Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Itching to Teach Your Kids Spanish but Don’t Know Where to Start?

We have been working on teaching Spanish to our daughter and she learns so fast! But as a non-native Spanish speaker, it can be mentally draining for me. I’m not kidding you, as fast as I can learn it, she learns it. If my Spanish was better, she would be learning so much right now. Like come on mom, pick up the pace!

You don’t need to speak a second language perfectly, or even that well at all. You can expose your
child to a second language at any level. Starting early is key because that’s when you control their
environment the most. Babies learn languages with amazing speed and teaching a language to a
child has many other benefits like increased creativity, patience (yes please!) and the ability to learn
even more languages.

Some easy ways to add Spanish to your kids life
-Songs in Spanish (Spotify/Pandora/YouTube)
-Programs in Spanish (Change any Netflix show to Spanish by changing the audio options when you
are on the show description page)
-Books in Spanish (there are so many out there, just check amazon! I hope to do a blog post soon
on our favorites)
-Speaking Spanish
-Spanish Immersion Daycare/School
-Go on vacation to a Spanish speaking country (<<< obviously MY FAV and will help us keep up
Isabel’s Spanish as she gets older)

Sometimes it’s exhausting but it’s all worth it, for us. Spanish is an important part of Isabel’s
Mexican heritage, we love speaking Spanish at home together and I know it will help her
academically and hopefully even professionally one day. Isabel speaks mostly Spanish now
because that's what she's exposed to, but she picks up English words everywhere so easily.
I'm telling you, kids are so efficient at learning languages.

Tu puedes hacerlo también!

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