Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stop Comparing!

Scrolling through Instagram and what do you see? Most likely you will see beautiful,
put together people, traveling or hanging out in glamorous places, children acting
perfect, smiling and hugging their siblings, amazing home decor “DIY” projects that
are way too pretty to be true and more beautifully unreal photos.

These photos often make people feel like they should be doing all those things,
looking that good doing it and smiling big like the families in the Instagram photos
but don’t let yourself forget that these photos are not real life.They look at these
photos and say I wish I traveled there, had those clothes and took better photos.

These stunning photos are the 1 out of 100 takes. They are filtered and possibly
altered. Photography is an art and photographers are good at making things look
more amazing than they actually are.

It’s not just people on social media. Stop comparing yourself to your friends, your
coworkers, your neighbors, anyone. Instead of thinking about what you don’t have,
or what you “need”, start thinking about what you do have.

Things I have and am thankful for:

I’m happy that I have a job
I’m lucky that my parents are healthy and help us out by babysitting every once in awhile
I’m grateful that I get to spend every Wednesday with my little chiquita
I’m thankful that I have friends that keep in touch even when life gets busy

I’m blessed by my husband who is such an amazing and patient father

Now it's your turn- Can you name 5 things that you are thankful for?

Take a few minutes to come up with 5 things you are thankful for. Making a practice of
doing this every day, or every time you find yourself comparing yourself to someone else.
Comparing yourself to others will only hurt yourself. Instead build yourself up by
remembering what YOU HAVE.

And Just Smile :)

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